But on the other hand a lot of Sicilians can pass in West Asian ... Italians/Spaniards have more refined facial features and look on ... you must have looked too much at kids, elderly people and women if you felt like a giant.
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Italians cannot be typified by any one physical characteristic, a fact that may ... This mixed ethnic heritage explains the smattering of light-eyed, blond Sicilians in .... Sep 17, 2015 — Physically, most Sicilians are Mediterranean. Typical features include olive skin, dark hair and eyes, long and narrow oval faces, short stature, lean frame... but .... by G Poggioli-Kaftan · 2016 · Cited by 4 — analysis of Sicilians' emigration to America that can be interpreted as resistance, ... behavior to atavistic, physical traits apparently found in southern people. 939c2ea5af